
the passenger

surfed out. my shoulders are sore. my neck a kinked tweak. rocks icy on the way to the point in the mid-morning sun. surreal after 13 feet at 12 seconds yesterday. like city buses without street lights at rush hour. disorganized like the night wildflowers. one drop here and a closed door. another drop there and a run down the line to plump shoulder. fat like the seal rotting on the beach bloated. like life on mars.


David J. Hirsh said...

Excellent banner. Nice mood for the season. stay warm.

ras said...

thanks three

twin said...

Good God...
We get a few days (ok...a week) of sub-freezing temps.....I'm ready to pack it in. I don't know how you do it for an entire season....?!?

(surely you recall that any hint of snow in the metro area...and all hell breaks loose...) ;-)

ooh...word ver = ferds (effing nerds?) hee!