
style: danny MacAskill

I spend a lot of time on my ass either behind my desk at work or in the evenings at home after work. but there is one lesson that I learned from years of skateboarding and the same lesson has been re-stamped in my will after the last three years of steady surfing. the only way to achieve anything is to put in the work and to be present and engaged during the process, learning from mistakes and successes. in the last few days I've been more sedentary than usual due to a lack of waves. I ran on the weekend and finally busted out few calisthenics yesterday. however,that is not even enough for maintenance.

luckily I found this newly posted gem. danny macaskill is amazingly fluid. he's like a mix between ryan leech and chase hawk. if your into cycling or human mechanics or will power then you'll appreciate this video. now I'm off to do some stretching.


lawless said...

That video made me smile.

ridgeback said...

im in awe- thanks

IF ONLY Surf Shop said...

Oh My Jesus! That kid makes Ryan Leech look un-polished. I love his flow!

Anonymous said...

Fuckin' awesome. Here is a link to a great skate vid- http://forum.surfermag.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1581648&an=0&page=0#Post1581648.

Watch it now!


David J. Hirsh said...

Parkour, bike, skate all in one. The humbly supreme Joe Bark, surfboard and paddleboard shaper and paddleboard legend says, "its the engine not the board." With Macaskill, it's as if there's only an engine and the bike is merely an extension of the engine. Sort of a sport nirvana where the equipment is so integrated with the athlete, no separation is visible.

Cool sounds too.

Foul Pete said...

I was just sent that also... Normally, I'm not into that street trials stuff but that was on par with skateboarding/ BMX. Very cerative and fluid... Good shit. Hey, its earth day fuck up some urban features not the woods!

Mick said...

The kid's got genius.